In Los Angeles, a young man working as a doumi - a host/hostess who entertains clients in private karaoke rooms - encounters a strange request. “Koreatown,” directed by Grant Hyun, is a stylish drama full of controlled tension and striking neon visuals. The handsome Kyeong sings to patrons who have chosen him out of a lineup to indulge their fantasies. His performance can extend to intimate conversations as well, like when Kyeong discusses his rocky move from Seoul to America as a seven year old child. One night, a woman seeks ‘second round,’ paying more to have Kyeong escort her home. As they arrive, and even before, we sense something is different about this transaction, and it builds to a disturbing 1-2 finale. Hyun has a keen sense of atmosphere-building and he crafts a transfixing character study with great performances and evocative tunes.
Writer & Director: Grant Hyun. Starring Sunho Yoo, Crystal Lee, and Donna Lee. Producers: Ashleigh Kim, Oliver Dunne. Cinematographer: Alfonso Herrera Salcedo. Score and Original Song: Luka Mielniczenko. Production Designer: Charlotte Hass. Art Director: Tyler Evans.
Up Next in 2019
Farewell Winona
A fourteen year-old girl on her last day before high school navigates the juncture between childhood and adolescence. Daiva Žalnieriunas directs “Farewell Winona,” a textured coming-of-age drama that vividly captures a place - rural Canada - and a period of innocence right before things start to ...
Ralph Styles Ultra
A faithfully recreated 1970s cigarettes advertisement unspools into a surreal satire on melodramatic marketing. “Ralph Styles Ultra,” by director Nic fforde, is an exquisitely-realized mockup complete with period-perfect performances, music, art design, costuming, and hair and make up. A debonair...
Leaving Hope
Suffering a loss, a woman finds a mysterious book on a subway platform and with it fights to get control of her life. An enigmatic drama, shot in gorgeous black & white, concerning the messy emotional state of Laine and the lengths she goes to reestablish well-being, personal and financial. D...