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  • rip

    Two 10th grade BFF's have a sleepover where they contemplate the topics of love, God, queerness and loss. Santi MacLean’s “rip” meshes sensibilities of a teen sitcom with characters deeply immersed into a gen-Z vernacular. Through several camera POV’s, a Macbook webcam being the main, we watch Be...

  • Blue Light

    A woman finds a way out of an abusive relationship. “Blue Light,” directed by Lucia Martinez Garcia, is an experimental portrait of a woman’s escape told through sci-fi elements. In the darkness, we overhear a fuming fall-out between a couple on their last leg. With an abrupt, and possibly violen...

  • Where's South?

    Amidst strange encounters in her life and work, a Brazilian filmmaker living in Chicago is struck by a compelling question. João Rubio Rubinato and Lua Borges direct “Where’s South?” a 16mm film that ruminates on being far from home despite having footing somewhere else. When Helena arrives late ...