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  • Avocado

    A film about a person's inability to cut an avocado. Directed by and starring River L. Ramirez, this experimental short finds strange humor in reality-bending absurdities and illogical deep-seated fears. A woman sits in a white room at a table in front of an avocado terrified at the prospect of c...

  • I Love My Friends

    Sometimes you can love your friends a little bit too much for them, but not enough for you. Such is the conundrum at the heart of “I Love My Friends," a new satirical piece by River L. Ramirez about the cliches of describing and feeling love, and the angst felt when it's not returned. Ramirez pla...

  • Fishbowl

    On a visit to her family in America, a grandmother is left to find companionship with a pet fish as she slowly comes to terms with losing her independence. Annie Ning directs “Fishbowl,” a tender and observant portrait of aging and isolation, shouldered by a poignant performance from Xiangrun Jia...