Animation, Short Films, 24-Jan-2023
In this surreal odyssey, a young boy walks through a series of doors opening up visions of the past and future. “Mi,” made by Masayoshi Nakamura and Zak Engel, is beautifully animated, vibrating with color, shape and possibility. Emerging from abstract geometric landscapes, we lock in on a boy with his father embracing in the middle of a rainy forest. Soon they are descending to the bottom of a lake to discover a hidden city. There, the boy enters a door and finds himself walking through his father’s memories, or maybe it’s his own future, or somehow both. Animated by Nakamura, and written and scored by Engel, the film is a magical tone poem on boyhood/fatherhood and imagination. -KA. Directors: Masayoshi Nakamura, Zak Engel. Writer: Zak Engel. Animation: Masayoshi Nakamura. Music: Zak Engel. Sound Design: Zak Engel. Producer: Allie Hess.
Up Next in Animation
You've Never Been Completely Honest
A harrowing account of a leadership seminar gone rogue in 1970’s California. In “You've Never Been Completely Honest,” a hybrid-documentary directed by Joey Izzo, a mixture of animation and reenactment footage brings to life a brutal audio interview. In 1972, a man named Gene recounts his experie...
My Breakfast With Barf
A man reconnects with an old friend from his days in the theater. “My Breakfast with Barf,” is an animated comedy directed by Peter Javidpour, a lighthearted send-up of the 1981 film, “My Dinner with Andre.” Leonard, a man of culture and intellect (whose head is shaped like an egg), meets up for ...
Tap Runner
In a dystopian future, it’s one man’s job to check faucets for leakage and wastage. Paolo Chianta directs and animates “Tap Runner,” an animated sci-fi short, hand-drawn with a ballpoint pen and characterized by a melancholic spirit. His job does not permit him to actually fix the taps — that’s t...