

Over the course of a tense Halloween week, a black man navigates his fraught friendships with white people. Cory Nixon directs and stars in “Blind,” a prickly satire on the sociopolitical climate of 2020 with its newly unlocked conversations on race, white fragility, and colonizer mindset. After an encounter with a MAGA group in the park, Junior heads to a Halloween party with a group of white friends. He senses that he’s there to represent all black people — his friends are desperate to get inside his head and also to signal they care about racial equality. Soon he’s being haunted by a Coexist bumper sticker that deepens his paranoia regarding his friendships, as he turns to his grandmother to keep himself sane. Campy and irreverent, Nixon’s film offers a spirited response to an uncomfortable discourse delivered with vibrant visuals and confident performances, particularly from Nixon, NoBudge favorite, Kate Hollowell, and Carlease Burke, playing Granny D. -KA. Written & Directed by Cory Nixon. Cast: Cory Nixon, Kate Hollowell, Bobby Burkich, Mercedes Enriqueta, Justin Cone, Carlease Burke. Producers: John Mark, Jessica Zerby, Eli Ash. Executive Producer: Herman Kelly. Cinematography: Mohamed Samra.

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  • Blind

    Over the course of a tense Halloween week, a black man navigates his fraught friendships with white people. Cory Nixon directs and stars in “Blind,” a prickly satire on the sociopolitical climate of 2020 with its newly unlocked conversations on race, white fragility, and colonizer mindset. After ...
