A young girl connects deeply with nature while fearful of her brutish father. “Ciervo,” directed by Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma, is a coming-of-age animated film — a sensory exploration of girlhood, family life and country living, particularly on the themes of freedom vs. captivity, and hunter vs. hunted. Incessantly followed around by plumes of cigarette smoke, her father is the domineering center of the household. The young girl is sensitive to his roughness — even his kisses can feel like burns — and prefers to spend time outside communing with the plants and grasshoppers. When her father’s abusive behavior comes to a head, the girl summons the will to embody her connection to the animal kingdom. With a striking artistry, Garcia-Fernandezsesma delivers wells of emotion within scopes both intimate and universal. KA. Director and animator: Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma.
A young girl connects deeply with nature while fearful of her brutish father. “Ciervo,” directed by Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma, is a coming-of-age animated film — a sensory exploration of girlhood, family life and country living, particularly on the themes of freedom vs. captivity, and hunter vs...
Animation Process ("Ciervo")
Animation Process 02 ("Ciervo")