Directed by Bobby McCoy

Directed by Bobby McCoy

Directed by Bobby McCoy
  • Swordhaver

    Men turn 26 and make having a sword their entire personality. Bobby McCoy directs “Swordhaver,” a comedic look at youthful detachment told through a man’s recent acquisition of a medieval blade. Played by McCoy, the man sits on the edge of a park and gazes at the Los Angeles skyline. He wears a c...

  • xx_luv.kitten_xx

    Hustling up quick cash and alienating her loved ones, a struggling Twitch streamer stops at nothing to make it to an influencer meetup at Buffalo Wild Wings. Bobby McCoy directs “xX_luv.kitten_Xx,” an uncomfortably current character study that captures a type of youthful desperation that amalgam...

  • Trying The New TACO BELL CRISPY CHICKEN WINGS (Food Review)

    A YouTube food critic goes to great lengths to try the new Taco Bell™ Crispy Chicken Wings©. Bobby McCoy directs the internet culture satire, “Trying The New TACO BELL CRISPY CHICKEN WINGS (Food Review),” which reflects the abundances and absurdities of a hyper-corporatized modern age, in a fashi...

  • Things That Happen

    A musician, a YouTuber, and a Tik Tok star battle their egos and depression in “Things That Happen,” an urgent new drama by Bobby McCoy. Filled with style and momentum, this disturbing depiction of young adults (or old kids) lost in a vapid and cruel media landscape tracks three young characters ...