Documentary, Drama, Short Films, 23-Oct-2024
While making a documentary about a heavily polluted town, a filmmaker takes interest in a neighborhood teenager as a compelling subject. Max Drexler’s “Phillips” is a docu-fictional portrait of an American town and the grim anxieties cast over a particular resident. The filmmaker walks us through the New Jersey suburb and we learn about the effects of the severe pollution caused by a local refinery. An interview with a long-time local provides additional context on Phillips’ increasing un-livability. Upon looking for their next subject, they encounter a teenager named Trey. Skeptical at first, Trey is willing to show them around. Despite appearing to gradually open-up to the crew, a feeling of uncertainty simmers. The piece weathers an unsettling feeling throughout, both a result of the increasingly concerning report on Phillips and also for Trey as he expresses a growing skepticism to the film crew. It’s an effective use of performance and tone in the docu-fictional style and a unique glance at filmmaker-subject relationships. -JM. Director, Writer, Editor: Max Drexler. Cast: Carson Mcrae as Trey. Interview Subjects: Paul, Angel, Kathy. Assistants: Kael Frank, Milo Straghalis, Ruby Kline, Thomas Torbinski. Sound Recordists: Malcolm Terry, Ruby Kline. Music: Mateo Savala, Andy Santella.
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