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The Practice of Loneliness

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  • The Practice of Loneliness

    Brie adapts a new practice, a lifestyle of loneliness to achieve her highest self. Written and directed by Ester Song Kim, “The Practice of Loneliness,” is a stylish anti-rom-com about seeking happiness in solitude. Shot on nostalgia-soaked 8mm film, and featuring actors dubbed into French (thoug...

  • thematrix061702_ROUGHV.5.wmv

    First of all, it’s not a typo. That's the actual name of the movie. Got it? Okay, so the movie is about a group of friends trying to remake "The Matrix" in a Brooklyn apartment. They take the harebrained scheme very seriously though every element of the production is utterly unconvincing, from th...

  • Unscripted

    When an artist couple sits down to write a script, it devolves into a bitter argument. Sophia Sabella and Pablo Feldman direct and star in “Unscripted,” a rolling farce about the creative process and fragile egos. They set the mood - classical music and tea - and open up their laptop to begin a n...