A young woman begins to have doubts while waiting to meet the adoptive parents of her unborn child. This expressive short directed by Anamari Mesa and Kevin Rios creates an instant atmosphere and lingers on well after the credits roll. The pregnant woman (played by Mesa) is on a train to meet the...
Lola and Dallas
Lovers on the run are forced to take solace in each other when home is not an option. “Lola and Dallas” is a mini-tale of doomed love set in a dingy motel room filled with cigarette smoke and fantasies about a dangerous, glamorous life. Directed by Alessandra Mesa and Daniel Sorochkin, the film w...
The relationship of two young friends is put to the test as their differing views on entitlement and independence are exposed. From the comfort of their luxurious couch (which they never leave), they endlessly bicker about what it means to contribute to society, or not. The darkly comedic drama f...
On their first day living together, a young couple experiences ghosts from their past. “Houseplants,” from director Prashanth Kamalakanthan, is an elliptical drama that glimpses into the private life of Alma and Ron, a struggling couple on a vulnerable day. Over time, your partner changes and you...
Set in a fictional trailer park community known as Happiness, “Rectangibles” tells the story of two young men who come across a batch of Kodachrome 8mm film and attempt to get it developed before the last lab in America stops developing the format. This offbeat tale directed by Colleen Kwok TungS...
F*ck Bunny
A young woman tries to navigate issues of intimacy in a unique relationship after an unsettling incident. “F*ck Bunny,” directed by Wesley Wingo, is a layered tale of concealment and discontent about two people in animal costumes engaged in anonymous role play. A women in a bunny suit meets up wi...
Mary Beth's Sex Tape
A struggling stand-up comedian decides to make a comedy sex tape in hopes of getting famous. This rapid-fire mockumentary — created by and starring Mary Beth Barone, Tea Hacic, and Megan Patsel — follows along as Mary Beth pitches her idea and sets out to produce the tape, trying to maintain its ...
In Greek mythology a psychopomp is a being--god, spirit, or animal--that ushers souls into the underworld. In Loni Paone & Cooper Vacheron’s short film, psychopompitry is a decidedly aboveground craft, a blend of New Age healing and homebrew gadgetry that resembles hydraulically-assisted reiki, o...
Jane, Jean, John, & Jesus Make an Experimental Song
Jean and her band of snobs make an experimental song. Self-described as “Shit Tier,” this lo-fi lampoon by director Nimay Ndolo takes aim at the pretentious and the opaque (read: art protected from criticism because if you don’t understand it, you’re low-brow). Jean registers for a songwriting sh...
My Trip to Miami
Wearing five GoPro cameras, a man attempts to visit every one of Trip Advisor’s “Top 315 Attractions in Miami'. Don’t say “I miss you.” Say “the content would have been better if you’d been in it.” That’s how Dylan (played by writer/director/camera platform Dylan Redford) begins trying to patch t...
Lucy and David's 8 year relationship has survived a distance of 2700 miles, but the events of one night tests their decision to stay together. Director Allegra Oxborough has crafted a complex and remarkably realistic docu-fiction drama about a long-distance relationship, equal parts sensitive, bl...
When a visit to a psychic takes an unexpected turn, Benji is forced into difficult decisions about her life and future. Directed by and starring Dana Sorman, “Psychic,” is a probing personal drama (not without moments of biting comedy) about career and family hangups. An aspiring actress and stan...
Feeling ignored on an important day, a 12-year-old girl seeks attention from an unexpected source. Written and directed by Julia Kennelly, “Chandler,” is a tender yet frank coming-of-age drama about the awkwardness and swirling expectations of young girlhood. At gymnastics practice one day, Chand...
Molly's Single
After a devastating break-up, a guilt-ridden amateur singer seeks solace through a series of encounters with prospective partners. “Molly’s Single,” by director Ariel Gardner, is a brutal, hawk-eyed assessment of the state of affairs between young women and men, specifically of the aspiring artis...
Kim Bush's Abduction
Several hours of unanswered texts and phone calls have everyone at a Christmas party wondering: where is Kim Bush? Filmed in Gulfport, Mississippi, and starring real-life sisters Courtney and Gabe Bush (playing themselves), “Kim Bush’s Abduction,” is a rolling mix of mystery and comedy, brimming ...
Nora At The Beach
A group of friends go to the beach, but Nora isn’t having fun. This anxious drama from director Ryan Martin Brown throws us into the interior life of a young woman who’s starving, dehydrated, and perturbed about the lack of plans amongst her friends. A film about group dynamics — being stuck on o...
A meager apology tests a woman's fortitude to forgive. “Squirrel,” by director Alex Kavutskiy, is a masterfully-crafted cringe comedy about the unlikely intersection of two L.A. residents who must come to terms with a new reality and one another. As their scenario unfolds, Noreen and Patrick, pla...
Sophie & Stephen
Two AI assistants conspire to get their human counterparts to meet. In “Sophie & Stephen,” directed by Rob Perri, a love story between two people who have yet to meet, there are plenty of questions beyond the central connection: is this where we’re headed as a society? Is that a good thing? In a ...
The Practice of Loneliness
Brie adapts a new practice, a lifestyle of loneliness to achieve her highest self. Written and directed by Ester Song Kim, “The Practice of Loneliness,” is a stylish anti-rom-com about seeking happiness in solitude. Shot on nostalgia-soaked 8mm film, and featuring actors dubbed into French (thoug...
First of all, it’s not a typo. That's the actual name of the movie. Got it? Okay, so the movie is about a group of friends trying to remake "The Matrix" in a Brooklyn apartment. They take the harebrained scheme very seriously though every element of the production is utterly unconvincing, from th...
When an artist couple sits down to write a script, it devolves into a bitter argument. Sophia Sabella and Pablo Feldman direct and star in “Unscripted,” a rolling farce about the creative process and fragile egos. They set the mood - classical music and tea - and open up their laptop to begin a n...
In Los Angeles, a young man working as a doumi - a host/hostess who entertains clients in private karaoke rooms - encounters a strange request. “Koreatown,” directed by Grant Hyun, is a stylish drama full of controlled tension and striking neon visuals. The handsome Kyeong sings to patrons who ha...
A documentary tracking a day in the life of three gig workers - driver, content creator, and dogwalker - goes off the rails in this satirical comedy directed by Jake Fertig. “Gigging” takes aim at the gig economy which finds desperate freelancers working for pennies to support tech behemoths. Fra...
Exit Statement
When a doomsday cult leader decides that he can’t spend eternity with his most aggravating follower, their plan falls into chaos. “Exit Statement,” by director Ben Kitnick, is an oddball comedy about a ragtag group of believers aiming to transcend to a higher plane. It’s December 31st, 1999, and ...