An intimate story of the lives of two queer-identifying women in Norway struggling to navigate the messiness of their twenties. “Gemini,” directed by Anna Fredrikke Bjerke, is a seven episode drama centered around two roommates, Rubi and Samira, and their revolving door of relationships, awkward sexual encounters, family issues, work problems, and a host of judgements, jealousies and deceptions, i.e. trying to figure things out. Having just broken up with her long-time boyfriend, Rubi enters a volatile period of questioning — her sexuality, her life path, who should get to keep the Rolling Stones t-shirt after the breakup. Meanwhile, Rubi’s roommate, Samira, is an aspiring singer with a traditional family who doesn’t know she’s gay and wouldn’t approve. The latest in her string of one-night stands is with Alma, but she’s forgotten just as quickly as she came (and moves on to a fling with Rubi). The main focus here is the up-and-down friendship of the two roommates, particularly difficult as Samira begins to ascend in her career, while Rubi, who wants to make documentary films, makes no discernible progress. Made up of short vignettes, Bjerke’s taps into the blur of the early/mid 20’s, the brief encounters, the arguments, the constant reevaluation. Things change fast, misunderstandings and hurt feelings are inevitable, every exchange brims with emotion, on or below the surface. We previously featured Bjerke with her 2019 short, “Outline.”
Up Next in Drama
A young Moroccan woman faces deportation from the UK while coming to terms with her her sexual orientation. A richly-drawn drama, “Métèque,” directed by Lauren Blackwell, follows Samia through an emotional period of turmoil. It’s a beautifully rendered exploration of identity, displacement, and d...
A forgotten handheld camera disrupts the bedtime routine of a single mother and her young son. Pisie Hochheim and Tony Oswald direct “Handheld,” a tender drama on family bonds and frays carried by wonderfully real performances from Jordan Gosnell and Emery Oswald. One night while searching for a ...
Two exes whirl through the memories of their relationship in a single glance. Daniel Antebi directs “Unfold,” an elliptical montage of a young couple reliving their recent past after running into each other on the streets of New York. An awkward exchange spins into a flashback of moods and feelin...