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Of the 141 films we programmed in 2024, we’d like to designate 11 as our NoBudge Films of the Year. This is not a Best Of list, but rather a collection of films that were particularly emblematic of the NoBudge aesthetic or ethos, or introduced or solidified an exciting new voice. Thanks to everyo...
12 items
Of the 154 films we programmed in 2023, we’d like to designate 12 as our NoBudge Films of the Year. This is not a Best Of list, but rather a collection of films that were particularly emblematic of the NoBudge aesthetic or ethos, or introduced or solidified an exciting new voice. Thanks to everyo...
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Of the 140 films we programmed in 2022, here are 10 we’d like to designate as our NoBudge Films of the Year, films that resonated with a fresh vision, or were most representative of the NoBudge aesthetic or ethos. Note: All films that were released on NoBudge.com this year were eligible.
Lay Me... -
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While not quite as cataclysmic as the previous year, 2021 was still an incredibly challenging year the world over. We trudged through, kept our heads down, hoping for normalcy to return, and it has to some degree. We finally resumed our NoBudge Live screenings in Brooklyn in September and the nex...
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Though 2020 was an incredibly challenging year, we’re thankful we could keep doing what we do. When the world shut down in March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we decided to continue posting films daily, though it felt a bit inconsequential at times. Same could be said for screening films during t...
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We’re approaching our year-end list differently this year. From 2013-2018, we gave out Best Of awards in several different categories (i.e. Best Film, Best Performance, Best Editing), but this year we’re simplifying and moving away from the term “Best.” 2019 was another record year for us - we po...
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NoBudge is happy to announce the winners of our 6th annual NoBudge Awards. 2018 was a big year for us, increasing our offerings from 54 films (last year) to 192 (this year), and gaining praise from the New York Times, The Guardian and Vulture. We also expanded our live screening series, as we par...
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Best Film: And Nothing Happened
Best Drama: (tie) The Mess He Made, I Was There Too
Best Comedy: (tie) Bev, Ford Clitaurus
Best Director: Naima Ramos-Chapman (And Nothing Happened)
Best Screenplay: Sweet Things (Line Dalheim)
Best Cinematographer: (tie) Jomo Fray (Get Out Fast & Modern Love)...