NADIR: A documentary about surfing in Newport, Rhode Island...
What begins as a documentary about surfing evolves into a tale of a guy trying to get rid of a surfboard. Jack Galvin’s lengthily-titled “NADIR: A documentary about surfing in Newport, Rhode Island in the summer and most of the other times as well” is a comedic look at a New England town and a man’s conflicted relationship with its surf. Beginning with rants about recent changes in license plate designs, we learn about Rhode Island surfing, its climate, the kitsch commercial culture, and much more. But when a friend gifts Galvin with a new board—it’s reenacted in a soapy flashback—he’s forced to confront the relationship head-on. Narrating and also appearing on screen, Galvin fully inhabits the character of a surfer filled with cowardly tendencies. With its essay-style and wry humor, it’s an endearing snapshot of a man going to great lengths to save face. -JM. Director: Jack Galvin. Cast: Jack Galvin, JP Marshall, Josie Leach, Neil Toracinta, Luke Leys, Liam Leys, Michelle Castro. DP: Casey Harrington. Sound: Annie Galvin.
NADIR: A documentary about surfing in Newport, Rhode Island...
What begins as a documentary about surfing evolves into a tale of a guy trying to get rid of a surfboard. Jack Galvin’s lengthily-titled “NADIR: A documentary about surfing in Newport, Rhode Island in the summer and most of the other times as well” is a comedic look at a New England town and a ma...
Trailer | NADIR: A documentary about surfing in Newport, Rhode Island...