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Up Next in New Year New You

  • Rebound

    A burly stranger looking for a place to lay his head arrives at the home of a newly single mother renting out her guest house. “Rebound,” written by Wes Haney and directed by NoBudge Hall-of-Famer Doron Max Hagay, is pure comedy gold, built with priceless performances from Katy Fullan and George ...

  • She Keeps Me Young

    New movies by director Doron Max Hagay are always cause for celebration here at NoBudge. Today we’re happy to present a “Doron Double Feature” — also featured “Improv is Love” — to highlight an artist we consider an unsung hero of American indie film. Specializing in ludicrous plots, absurdly qui...

  • The Practice of Loneliness

    Brie adapts a new practice, a lifestyle of loneliness to achieve her highest self. Written and directed by Ester Song Kim, “The Practice of Loneliness,” is a stylish anti-rom-com about seeking happiness in solitude. Shot on nostalgia-soaked 8mm film, and featuring actors dubbed into French (thoug...