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My Daughter's Boyfriend

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Up Next in NoBudge Live #1-11

  • My Daughter's Boyfriend

    A titillating California drama with splashes of unexpected humor. Or maybe it’s the other way around. The gist: a divorced mother attempts to break up her daughter’s relationship. Maybe it’s to protect her... or maybe it’s out of jealousy. The handsome, smooth-talking boyfriend named Whit seems t...

  • Improv is Love

    As his father suffers in the hospital, Dylan forgoes a chance to see him in favor of performing with his small-time improv comedy troupe at a local club. Brilliantly conceived as a comment on those of us so consumed by artistic pursuits (perhaps of questionable societal value?) that we fail to re...

  • Ford Clitaurus

    Following a trio of friends around town as they dance choreographed routines in grocery stores and give acting workshops in Bingo halls, "Ford Clitaurus", true to its name, is a hilarious head-scratcher. It’s best to watch without knowing much. As in, stop reading this right now and press play ab...