White and Lazy
NoBudge Live #1-11
Set in 1991, this comedic portrait of a mumbling and indecisive young man trying to collect rent from his eccentric roommates taps into the grand lineage of poor college kids living as weirdo artists in houses with way too many people. It’s tried and true and "White and Lazy" captures it with perfect authenticity. On February 1st, rent is due, and it’s Steve’s job to go around the house and get everyones money. Except no one is particularly interested or able to pay up. The drummer roommate in the attic claims he’s already given enough money to the rich landowner, while the new-age-bedroom-poet downstairs figures she has two days left to pay as she insists on using last years calendar. Steve knows the landlord won’t take kindly to the news and becomes increasingly anxious about the impending encounter. Shot on 16mm (in one of America's great college towns Madison, Wisconsin), it’s a throwback to the indie age of Slacker and Clerks, and it would stand up to either. There’s gently satire at play in the bohemian lifestyles and laid-back deflection of responsibility, but director and actor James Runde obviously knows and loves the scene. He's cobbled together a new slacker classic.
Up Next in NoBudge Live #1-11
My Daughter's Boyfriend
A titillating California drama with splashes of unexpected humor. Or maybe it’s the other way around. The gist: a divorced mother attempts to break up her daughter’s relationship. Maybe it’s to protect her... or maybe it’s out of jealousy. The handsome, smooth-talking boyfriend named Whit seems t...
Improv is Love
As his father suffers in the hospital, Dylan forgoes a chance to see him in favor of performing with his small-time improv comedy troupe at a local club. Brilliantly conceived as a comment on those of us so consumed by artistic pursuits (perhaps of questionable societal value?) that we fail to re...
Ford Clitaurus
Following a trio of friends around town as they dance choreographed routines in grocery stores and give acting workshops in Bingo halls, "Ford Clitaurus", true to its name, is a hilarious head-scratcher. It’s best to watch without knowing much. As in, stop reading this right now and press play ab...