Amidst a mandatory quarantine, a young woman living in isolation battles her growing paranoia and deteriorating mental health. Meg Case and Brad Porter direct “Wrath,” a craftily devised and executed homemade project, which in any other year would fall firmly in the sci-fi horror realm; in 2020, it feels like reliving the experience we all went through. With the onslaught of the Covid-19 pandemic, Emily’s fear of the outside world keeps her holed up inside, more terrified for her health and future with each passing moment. Unexplainable occurrences start to add up — the record player stops, her computer goes nuts, the power goes out. Her virtual therapist tries to talk her down but it’s not working. The one time she leaves the house is to visit an ex-boyfriend, but that quickly derails into panic as he begins to cough. Blasted throughout is wall-to-wall sound and music, expressive, abrasive, dissonant. Equally pronounced are the visuals and production design, quite a feat considering the lack of crew and speed of production.
Writers, Directors, Producers: Meg Case and Brad Porter. Cast: Meg Case, Sam Clement, Brad Porter.
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