Out of Body

Out of Body

Over the course of a muggy summer day in New England, two friends meander from place to place, getting high and avoiding the aftermath of a recent family tragedy. “Out of Body,” directed by Miles Dixon, is a moment-to-moment observation of both the joy and aloofness of a youthful bond. Cam and Ryan spend their summer days sleeping in, playing video games, cliff-jumping, and entertaining themselves with whatever else their small town has to offer while almost always rolling or smoking a joint. It’s not entirely clear what happened, but Cam has a broken arm, and doesn’t seem to have much foresight about post high-school plans. It’s suggested that Ryan’s been lounging away for even longer. The film moves at its own steady pace, a series of static frames, sun-kissed or surrounded by lush greenery, and the two understated performances of Jaeden Martell (“Y2K”, “It,” “Arcadian”) and Tomás Fattorusso set the rhythm and headspace. -JM. Written and Directed by: Miles Dixon. Produced by: Shoichi Murphey. Starring: Jaeden Martell, Tomás Fattorusso. Featuring: Gay Haubner, Zachary Van Buuren, Maya Redington, Kelsey Healey. DP / Editor: Miles Dixon. Sound & Mix: Matthew Ericson. Color: Andrew Francis. Title Design: Ben Schultz. Music by: C-Thru, Courtesy of Pacific Rhythm. Camera and Lenses Provided by: Abel Cine. Post Production Facilities: Postworks NYC.

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Out of Body
  • Out of Body

    Over the course of a muggy summer day in New England, two friends meander from place to place, getting high and avoiding the aftermath of a recent family tragedy. “Out of Body,” directed by Miles Dixon, is a moment-to-moment observation of both the joy and aloofness of a youthful bond. Cam and Ry...
