From the Archives
Comedy, Short Films, 29-May-2018
A young woman imagines what life could be if she completed everything on her to-do list. Directed by Efe, “to-do” is a brightly colored satire in the form of a cheerful video tutorial. Running through an overwhelming list of things to accomplish each day, the woman (played by Lorelei Ramirez), wakes up, puts on a smile, and strives to engage with her life’s purpose in a number of ways. She must “work tirelessly” and “stay on brand” but also can’t forget to appear “carefree and spontaneous.” In short, “be everything, and everywhere.” For a while she can pretend to keep up, but the quest for perfection hits a snag when her imagination takes a dark turn, and the optimistic self-seminar goes off the tracks. Efe's colorful set design, costuming, and home-made props cleverly juxtapose the thick sarcasm. -KA.
Directed by Efe. Starring Lorelei Ramirez.
Up Next in From the Archives
Goblin High
Teenage goblins navigate the uncertain waters of life after high school. Isaac Roberts directs “Goblin High,” a whimsical coming-of-age piece observing the qualms of its bright green goblin characters. The film opens with a father goblin doodling in his journal at work as we hear his existential,...
Trailer | Cold Runner
Goose Egg
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