Dad & Step-Dad (2018)
Directed by Tynan DeLong
The dad and step-dad of Branson, a 13 year old boy who loves Skippy peanut butter, try their best to connect during a visitation exchange. Directed by Tynan DeLong (our unofficial ‘18 resident filmmaker, prolific output here), “Dad & Step-Dad,” merges the mundane and absurd, call it cinéma vérité sketch comedy. At first, the trio seems cordial considering the situation. “It feels good in here,” says Dave (real dad) complimenting Jim’s (step dad) new AC unit. And as they bond over eccentricities of their child’s peanut butter and licking habits (“I had to Windex his door. It had a sheen to it. He was licking the door.”), they seem like a pair of old friends. But soon, animosity creeps in over a difference in opinion regarding when public pools close for the summer. Anthony Oberback (“Walking Your Dog in the Park”) and Colin Burgess (“Cornholios”) play the dads, remarkably funny as always, as well as Brian Fiddyment (“Love is Stinks”) playing the quiet kid wearing the camouflage bucket hat. “Who do you think you’re gonna have a better week with, dad or step-dad?”, asks real dad — Branson refuses to answer, smiling sheepishly.
Directed by Tynan DeLong. Performed by Colin Burgess, Anthony Oberback and Brian Fiddyment. Edited by Colin Burgess, Tynan DeLong and Anthony Oberback.
Up Next in Directed by Tynan DeLong
First of all, it’s not a typo. That's the actual name of the movie. Got it? Okay, so the movie is about a group of friends trying to remake "The Matrix" in a Brooklyn apartment. They take the harebrained scheme very seriously though every element of the production is utterly unconvincing, from th...
Please Enjoy Your Stay
An anxious musician finds himself unable to leave his hotel room. Dan Arnés writes and stars in “Please Enjoy Your Stay,” a surreal comedy that employs an ever-shifting dream logic to explore issues of identity and artistic process. Surrounded by slips of paper with scattered notes, a man attempt...
My Year of Unfinished Works
A short about how I couldn't make any shorts. Directed by Tynan WVH DeLong. Featuring Rajat Suresh, Jeremy Levick, Lucas Gardner.