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Up Next in Directed by Tynan DeLong

  • six tabs

    A man tries to decide whether or not to take acid while his friend films him. Written by Colin Burgess and Tynan Delong, “six tabs” is brimming with absurd behavior and juvenile silliness, another signature addition in the body of work of DeLong & friends. Looking to expand his mind, the man ...

  • Dad & Step-Dad (2018)

    The dad and step-dad of Branson, a 13 year old boy who loves Skippy peanut butter, try their best to connect during a visitation exchange. Directed by Tynan DeLong (our unofficial ‘18 resident filmmaker, prolific output here), “Dad & Step-Dad,” merges the mundane and absurd, call it cinéma vérité...

  • thematrix061702_ROUGHV.5.wmv

    First of all, it’s not a typo. That's the actual name of the movie. Got it? Okay, so the movie is about a group of friends trying to remake "The Matrix" in a Brooklyn apartment. They take the harebrained scheme very seriously though every element of the production is utterly unconvincing, from th...