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Everything's Cancelled

The Latest • 5m 48s
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Marco cuts class to spend the afternoon with his boyfriend, Graham, in this tender portrait of young love and intimacy. Matthew Puccini’s “Dirty” is minimal but lush, a coming-of-age snapshot that tackles an uncomfortable first-time sexual experience with sensitivity and warmth. After ditching sc...

Holy Cannoli!

After a day of shoveling hay, a spiritual dilettante tries to project his beliefs onto an uninterested co-worker. Andrew Theodore Balasia and Roman Koval direct “Holy Cannoli!”, a two hander character study about life’s purpose and fulfilling your potential, as interpreted by the half-baked musin...


Patti and Tina are heading out for an idyllic day-trip but get sidetracked with lavender-based meditations. Ester Song Kim directs “Lavender,” a lighthearted ribbing of L.A. extreme wellness types, and a free-flowing character study about a fizzling friendship.