Organic Girl
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Comedy, Short Films, 27-Jun-2023
A young woman comes home to her roommate sitting on their sofa topless. Andy Hones and Shelby Alayne Antel direct “Organic Girl,'' a satirical piece examining the diplomatic approach of a roommate confrontation. Anissa doesn’t quite know how to react when she comes home to her roommate, Shelby, sitting half-naked on their sofa. She lets Shelby know that her boyfriend, Jake, is on his way over, but Shelby doesn’t seem to get the message. Rethinking her approach, Anissa tries to use a “true story” about a disagreement with a previous roommate to try and get the idea across a little more clearly. Shelby, vocal fry and all, still can’t take the hint. The film comically presents what can occur when trying to confront a roommate, however also prompts its audience to examine their own obliviousness in these situations. -Jinho Myung. Director: Andy Hones, Shelby Alayne Antel. Writer: Andy Hones, Shelby Alayne Antel. Starring: Anissa Griego, Shelby Alayne Antel. DP: Andy Hones. Editor: Andy Hones. Sound: Nicholas K. Stahl.
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