Traveling Man
Trending of the Month
Comedy, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Short Films, 21-Jan-2025
A guy minding his business strikes a daring deal with a mysterious man he meets in the park. Graham Mason’s “Traveling Man” is a modern-day fable where an everyday man, played by Eric Rahill, is enchanted, possibly to his own demise. Through black-and-white grain while a liturgical melody plays, Doug eats his sandwich in the park. From afar he watches some youngsters do tricks until he’s suddenly approached by a mustached-man named Billy offering a mystical opportunity. Doug is skeptical but shortly convinced and shakes on a deal only to later recognize the consequences. Like in Mason’s other work (“Inspector Ike,” “Reveries, etc” ) the new film grasps a quick-witted style of comedy that feels both timeless and fresh. -JM. Director / Writer / Editor: Graham Mason. Starring: Brad Howe & Eric Rahill. Featuring: Leigha Hancock, Kaye Loggins, Sara Hennessey. Director of Photography: Ian McAlpin. Audio Mix and Sound Design: Matt Giordano.