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Teen Daze

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  • Teen Daze

    In the summer before leaving home, Cece is eager to get her first time over with. “TEEN DAZE,” directed by Brigette Lopez, is a coming-of-age drama, which digs into the psyche and behavior of a self-assured teenage girl living with her single father. She spends her days lounging in the pool and p...

  • Daddy's Playground

    Desensitized by millennial romance, Rose and Teddy turn to a Tinder-esque sugar dating app for disposable income. “Daddy’s Playground,” created by and starring Boni Mata and Ashley Morgan, is a kinetic, darkly humorous tale of feminine agency, a “soft-core, arthouse, thriller, trash production” f...

  • Sound Speeds

    Being a sound person is thankless. If you do your job well, no one notices; if your boom creeps into frame once or the lav crackles, everyone stops what they’re doing to recognize that you messed up. And so it’s not surprising that Edgar’s self-esteem is a little on the rocks, and the fact that h...