My Breakfast With Barf
Animation, Short Films, Comedy, 11-Jan-2023
A man reconnects with an old friend from his days in the theater. “My Breakfast with Barf,” is an animated comedy directed by Peter Javidpour, a lighthearted send-up of the 1981 film, “My Dinner with Andre.” Leonard, a man of culture and intellect (whose head is shaped like an egg), meets up for breakfast with Barf, an utterly unrefined creature who incessantly burps, drools, spits, farts, and who lives his entire life focused on getting hot chicks and making money. That Leonard somehow sees Barf as charming and magnetic is the predominant bit of the film, an inspired irony for Leonard as an uneasy, overthinking artist. (The two friends met back in the day at a Restorative Irony class at the Actor’s Workshop). Beautifully animated and perfectly executed, the film succeeds both as a commentary on the life of the artist and with its broad-stroke comedy flourishes. -KA. Director: Peter Javidpour. Cast: Peter Javidpour. Producer: Julie Trieu. Additional Design: Andrew Hawryluk. Motion Capture Consultant: Max Lazarov. Visual Consultant & Special Thanks: Emily Dean.