No Pets
Drama, Short Films, 09-Dec-2021
An unexpected visit from her super sends an anxious woman scrambling to hide evidence of her cat. “No Pets,” directed by and starring Billie Michael, takes a simple conceit and finds plenty of tension, awkwardness, and humor. Arriving to her apartment, the woman discovers that her building’s super is on his way to check on her radiator. What should be a mundane encounter is pressurized by a fear of embarrassment or eviction — she’s not allowed to have pets — but she’s prepared with an elaborate backstory on why the cat is only staying with her temporarily. The film moves in ripples, carried by wonderfully natural performances and an acute sense of small-scale paranoia. -KA. Director: Billie Michael. Cast: Billie Michael and Zoriy Gavrilov. Director of Photography: Cory Eli Berezow. Editor: Cory Eli Berezow.