The Confabulators
A bizarre ‘systems-comedy’ that channels Pynchon as much as Stillman and Ferrara, a chamber-piece in varying shades of beige and taupe that nevertheless expands beyond the confines of its anodyne Wall Street office-space where a conspiracy-non-conspiracy surrounding something called “the Benson file” percolates into a New Rose Hotel’ish contemplation of the city skyline: the mysteries housed therein and the Kafka-castle-esque dread that its jigsaw outline imposes on those who would penetrate it...also a New York young-marriage comedy, classical style: variation of lenses, shot set-ups, smooth travelings...there’s a photo with Vladimir Putin in a cowboy suit and a black guy named Cormac features in a major role. Ted Fendt whom you might already be familiar with from his translations at The Notebook of Jean Eustache and the Straub. -Craig Keller.
Directed by Sean Dunn, Luke Jarvis.