The Heart Wants What it Wants
Drama, Short Films, 24-Mar-2015
A beautifully-made character study of two ex-lovers in a luxurious hotel room reliving their past. The line between reality and role-play is thin and it’s an engrossing edge. Two wonderful performances lead the way: the man, an ex-college athlete, desperate to re-enact his days skipping practice to fall in love; the woman, just looking for a simple night of fun, “why can’t we just get fucked up and have sex like normal people.” And while the actors never lose your attention, some subtle cinematic flourishes, as when the light mysteriously dims as the woman recalls a dream she had in college, prop up the elliptical, restrained short. Though it takes place entirely in the hotel room, the visuals never become tedious, there’s always new life in new angles. Director Paavo Hanninen demonstrates a gift for atmosphere and for balancing the simple and messy. As the night unfolds, each crease reveals new details in their lives, and it all adds up to an impeccably crafted mix of nostalgia and desire. -KA. Written/Directed/Edited by Paavo Hanninen: Starring Morganna Bridgers & Todd D'Amour. Produced by David Hall & Danielle Dyar. Cinematography by Tom Rosenberg.