A stylish exploration of movement and attitude that reflects a spirited response to a chaotic world. “TriKE,” directed by Giselle Bonilla and performed by Brianna Mims, is an experimental portrait, wonderfully expressive and attuned to texture, color, and mood. A woman dances on a roof; she poses like a statue in an empty room; she rides a tricycle through a parking garage. Both playful and serious-minded, the film highlights the ways we portray ourselves, and the ways others perceive us.
Directed, edited, and produced by Giselle Bonilla. Written, choreographed, produced, and performed by Brianna Mims. Director of Photography: Tehillah De Castro. Music by Matteo Debole. Executive Produced by Evan Sagadencky, Sadie Wilking, Ardyn Flynt. Art Directed by Olivia Peace. Costume Design by Autumn Randolph. Hair by Tanya Melendez.