Twin Flame
Drama, Short Films, 27-Feb-2025
After a breakup, a young woman pays an online psychic to draw a portrait of her soulmate. Stella Gatti directs “Twin Flame,” a tone poem on the feeling of being adrift after a relationship. When Ofelia receives the drawing, she discovers that it eerily resembles her ex-boyfriend. Unsure how to move on, or if she wants to, she visits the psychic in search of deeper understanding. With its understated style and reflective tone, the film diverges from Gatti’s previous short, “Through Her Eyes,” a prog-rock gothic noir which we featured in 2022. The new film accurately captures the confusion and vagaries of twenty-something life, pinpointing the discomfort of being conflicted on the matter of love. -KA. Writer, Director, Editor: Stella Gatti. Cast: Mars, Caleb Short, Madeleine Fischer, Dorit Elena K. DP: Gus Aronson. Executive producer: Angelo Chammah. Production Designer: Theo Webb. Assistant Director: Brandon Brumm. Sound Mix & Design: Tim Perdoch.