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Set in a fictional trailer park community known as Happiness, “Rectangibles” tells the story of two young men who come across a batch of Kodachrome 8mm film and attempt to get it developed before the last lab in America stops developing the format. This offbeat tale directed by Colleen Kwok TungShuen populates its world with eccentric characters and striking visuals (an old woman sits in a recliner in the middle of a field; a skinny man in a Santa Clause suit pops wheelies on a bike). Characterized by its visual poetry but also by a sense of instant nostalgia, it registers with a unique mode of storytelling that’s a combination of a low-key verite and stylized portrait of the ephemeral. The film was shot on Kodak Ektachrome color reversal 16mm film, itself an obsolete format, made in 2013 but never released online. NoBudge is happy to present the online premiere.
Directed by Colleen Kwok TungShuen. Starring: Wesley Tunison, Brandon Fox, Ashton Crosby, Jun Shimizu, Isabella Cohen, Olivia Cohen & Andrew Platner. Produced by Ruthie Marantz. Cinematography by Joshua James Richards. Production Designer: Bo McGuire. Music by Melodium.
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